I Can Help With...
Grief – A counterintuitive pathway to greater contentment
“Grief, unattended to, wreaks havoc in our lives”
– Dr Mark Brady
When I think of the many people who have shown up in my counseling room, one thing has become clear: we are all grievers.
Whatever the ‘problem’ someone brings to the counseling conversation, whether it be the loss of someone or something; of a dream; of physical capacity; of confidence; of hope… grief has something to teach and much we could learn from. When we turn away from our grief, we do ourselves a huge disservice. Sometimes all the grief needs is to be witnessed.
It is in the ways in which we turn away from our Grief/s that we run the danger of turning toward the many ways we might relieve the pain of it so we do not have to face it. So we are left with compulsions, addictions (the more stigmatized ones, as well as the less stigmatized ones like shopping, workaholism or ____ (fill in the blank)___). I believe that a relationship exists between turning-away-from-grief and addictions. Does that make sense to you? The turning toward can be one of the greatest acts of intimacy with oneself and your experience of life and living. Grief work is about being vulnerable with the self, and it is vulnerability which provides us with our ticket to being fully human.
“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain”
– Khalil Gibran
In our largely grief-phobic world, Grief-work can indeed provide a pathway to greater contentment with life. I now consider myself to be a Grief Activist.
My Approach
“The experience of being listened to is so close to that of being loved that it’s often impossible to tell the difference.”
I offer a present, interested, skilled and resourceful ear to companion you along the way to create a life you’d prefer to be living.
I draw from a range of modalities (goodTherapies) that I have found are useful to people in creating change. These include:
Heart-centred Listening
Narrative Therapy
Befriending the Nervous System (Polyvagal Theory)
Behavioural Activation Therapy
Stocism & Stoic Philosophy
Applied Humour

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.
I will meet you there.”