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Are you eligible for funded sessions?

I know it's not easy to afford counselling support.


To make it more accessible, I have become registered with a number of different funding sources. Check out the list below and see if you fit in with any of the eligibility criteria. Please get in touch with me if you have any questions.












Bereaved by Suicide - Aoake Te Ra

If you have experienced a suicide bereavement at any stage of your life, no matter how long ago the person passed away, I am able to offer you 6-8 fully funded sessions through Aoake Te Ra.



Aged 18-25 years of age? 

I am able to offer 4 sessions for people aged between 18-25 through the Gumboot Friday fund. Click here for more details.  Further sessions can sometimes be funded depending on your need & circumstance.



Work and Income New Zealand

If you are on a WINZ benefit, Work and Income will supplement the cost of 10 sessions at $77 per session. They will pay you direct. You can either top up to my full session fee, or we can see each other for 5 fortnightly sessions (you put two WINZ payments together). 



Religious / Spiritual Community / Cult harm.

This funding is for anybody who feels negatively affected by their (or their families) involvement in a cult or spiritual / religious community.  Both psychological and/or physical harm has sadly been experienced by people involved in a number of different communities - which can range from issues of psychological control through to sexual harm and everything in between.

This fund has a broad coverage, so if you feel you may qualify, please ask. If approved, this fund, which is administrated by the Public Trust offers access to 24 sessions over a 12 month period.



Victim Support

Victim Support provides a free, nationwide support service for people affected by serious crime and natural disasters.  Victim Support assists people to find safety, healing, and justice after criminal and other traumatic events, which can include natural disasters.  















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